Have you ever imagined that how people used to cool their homes before AC was not invented? Or If someone is not to able to afford AC units, then how can he keep his home cool ? Well! Doesn’t it sound really awkward to even think our survival without an AC unit during summer? There is absolutely no point to think about surviving in summer without an AC machine. But this was not so when people were not gifted with the revolutionary air conditioning module, in fact, the people used to keep their homes cool and refreshing by planting trees and to have a huge shaded trees around their houses so that heat can be restricted. It is fine that now you have the option of sitting indoors with your air conditioner ON but that incurs a cost. Isn’t it? So keeping this in consideration AC repair Fort Lauderdale has mentioned in this blog about harnessing the power of shaded tress and to lower your electricity bills.
How to Plant Tress in Order to Have Maximum Benefits
Now, to have the positive effects of planting trees, it is very important to plant trees and shrubs near the areas of your house which face east and west as these areas are more prone to have maximum sunlight. Besides this, another common location where shading is required is where your house has its windows because windows draw heat and need to be shaded with something so that minimum heat can enter the house.
How to Protect AC Compressor By Plants
As you are aware that an AC compressor is a bulky part that is situated outside which fetches hot air from your house and releases the air outside. Now, this process makes the AC compressor work harder and make it hotter, which sometimes can be an issue for the flawless functioning of an AC module. So, the best way to overcome this situation is to shade the nearby area of the AC compressor with plants which can aid in lowering the temperature of the nearby air of the compressor to much lower degrees. This way your air conditioner doesn’t have to work harder and also helps you in saving money by reducing the electric bills.