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Cold weather is arriving soon due to which heavy snow can cause damage to your roof. On the other hand water pipes will begin to freeze causing more mess in your home. On the whole freezing temperatures and loss of heat can make it difficult to maintain thermostat settings. But you can escape all this as you can weatherize your home before it is too late and winter arrives.   

Weatherization doesn’t have to be confused with just escaping heat loss. It actually upgrades your home and heating unit effectively. Indoor air quality improves and strengthens the durability of your home all through the season. Not only do all these benefits, but it also comes with an added advantage of saving on an average of around $200 more a year for heating costs.

Here is an extensive list of things mentioned by emergency AC service Fort Lauderdale helping you weatherize your home to avoid any damage or discomfort.

Exterior Parts of Home

Heavy rains or heavy winds can make it uneasy for your home to withstand winter. But you can fix this up by weatherizing your home’s external parts. You can go for roof inspection- check whether there is any damage or broken or missing shingles on the roof or not.

Use roofing sealant to fix cracks, holes or gaps if any. Tree branches which are longer than usual should be cut down or trimmed to protect the roof. Ensure to prevent moisture accumulation and mold growth.

Fix Gaps in Windows

The outside air can get inside through leaks and gaps in windows; it will surely disturb the inside environment. Approximately 30% of your home’s warm air waste down in the process. Protecting your windows from winter can add value to your overall comfort in the cold season.

Just apply caulking to fix holes, cracks and gaps for doors and windows. Get rid of air leaks through weather stripping and make window operation even flexible. Another useful thing to weatherize is to install film insulation on window glass to maximize window’s ability to block heat.

Check Fireplace

Preparing your heating unit is one of the essential ways to weatherize your home. Before you use a fireplace, it is essential to clean the surrounding area by removing dust, dirt or debris as it hasn’t been used for a long time.

Also check and fix gaskets before winter strikes as the gaskets help in keeping the smoke and gas out of the home. Clean off dampers so that they don’t let the heat come out when the fireplace is not is use.


Weatherization is a wonderful way to settle more warmth in your home in winters. Your HVAC system will work but with these above ways, you can have cozier environment inside your home without much hassles.

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For more details you can always call us at 954-606-5434 all 24*7 and hire our AC services !